We invite you to join us as at our upcoming event entitled “Rebuilding Ukraine: Opportunities for the Slovenian Economy.” The event will take place on Friday, March 22, 2024 at Hotel Kompas in Kranjska Gora, starting at 10 a.m. and expected to end in the afternoon with lunch and a tour of the ski flights in Planica. We are organizing event together with Spirit Slovenia and Embassy of Ukraine to the Republic of Slovenia.
International community declared its readiness to participate in Ukraine’s future economic recovery and growth. Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery represents an unprecedented opportunity, both for Ukraine and for Europe. Newly adopted EU Ukraine Facility is a crucial tool for implementation of the projects in Ukraine.
Join us for an insightful discussion on the opportunities for the Slovenian business to participate in rebuilding projects in Ukraine, as well as to form new partnerships with Ukrainian partners.
The aim of the event is to help companies understand what their opportunities in Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery are. Attendees will hear the insights from Ukrainian, Slovenian and international experts.
You are kindly invited to register HERE.
9:30 – 10:00
Registration for participants
10:00 – 10:15
Opening speeches
- Matjaž Han, Minister of the Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Slovenia
- Rok Capl, Director at SPIRIT Slovenia Business Development Agency
- E. Mr. Andrii Taran, Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Slovenia
- Anatolii Komirnyi, Deputy Minister of Territories, Communities, and Infrastructure of Ukraine (online)
10:15 – 11:15
Institutional contribution: Building Bridges for Success
- Vitalii Rusanov, Special Envoy of the Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine abroad
- Tomaž Mencin, Coordinator on Recovery of Ukraine in the MFEA of the Republic of Slovenia
- Nataša Goršek Mencin, deputy Head of Representation of the European Commission in Slovenia
- Gašper Jež, Direct Financing Specialist at SID Bank
- Roland Žel, Director General of Defence Policy Directorate, Ministry of Defence RS
11:15 – 12:00
Round table
Doing Businesses in Ukraine: Leading the Path Forward
- Dušan Olaj, Director and Owner at Duol
- Katarina Kumelj, Project Manager at Riko
- Robert Kuzmič, CEO at Kontron
- Anzhela Danelyan, Nazovni Tech (online)
- Helen Teasdale, Deputy Head of Mission at British Embassy Ljubljana
Moderator: Tine Kračun, Director at ISR
Closing the event with lunch and networking @Planica
After the completed program, there will be lunch and networking in Planica. You are cordially invited to join us and support Slovenian athletes together with us. Transportation will be organized for all participants from the Kompas Hotel to Planica, where we will also watch a ski-flying competition.