Business forum: Economic cooperation between Slovenia and Serbia
The Institute for Strategic Solutions (ISR) and the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, together with the public agency SPIRIT Slovenia, are organizing a business forum on the topic of economic cooperation between Slovenia and Serbia on May 17, 2024 in Ljubljana. Serbian and Slovenian companies operating in the region will participate in the forum.
In the first part, the guests will exchange views on the most important economic trends that affect cooperation, as well as opportunities for further economic cooperation between the two countries. The second panel will be dedicated to the retail.
You are kindly invited to apply HERE.
Poslovni forum: gospodarsko sodelovanje med Slovenijo in Srbijo
Inštitut za strateške rešitve (ISR) in Gospodarska zbornica Srbije skupaj z javno agencijo SPIRIT Slovenija 17. maja 2024 v Ljubljani organizirata poslovni forum na temo gospodarskega sodelovanja med Slovenijo in Srbijo. V sklopu foruma bodo sodelovala srbska in slovenska podjetja, ki delujejo v regiji.
V prvem delu bodo gostje izmenjali poglede na najpomembnejše gospodarske trende, ki vplivajo na sodelovanje, ter priložnosti za nadaljnjo gospodarsko sodelovanje med državama. Drugi panel bo namenjen trgovini.
V kontekstu sodelovanja med Slovenijo in Srbijo se izpostavlja potencialna korist za obe strani na področju dostopa do trga Evropske unije in izboljšanje cenovne konkurenčnosti. Medtem ko Slovenija zaradi že uveljavljene kapitalske osnove stremi k dodatnemu gospodarskemu napredku, Srbija v tej interakciji vidi priložnost za izgradnjo lastnega kapitalskega temelja. Slednje nakazuje na potencial za vzajemno koristno sodelovanje in razvoj obeh držav na področju poslovanja.
Vabljeni k prijavi na dogodek TUKAJ
Obnova Ukrajine – priložnosti za slovensko gospodarstvo
Vabimo vas, da se nam pridružite na prihajajočem dogodku z naslovom Obnova Ukrajine: Priložnosti za slovensko gospodarstvo. Dogodek bo potekal v petek, 22. marca 2024 v Hotelu Kompas v Kranjski Gori, s pričetkom ob 10. uri in se bo zaključil v popoldanskih urah s kosilom in ogledom poletov v Planici. Dogodek organiziramo skupaj s Spirit Slovenija in Veleposlaništvom Ukrajine v Sloveniji.
Mednarodna skupnost je izjavila, da je pripravljena sodelovati pri prihodnjem gospodarskem okrevanju in rasti Ukrajine. Obnova in okrevanje Ukrajine predstavlja priložnost brez primere tako za Ukrajino kot za Evropo. Novo sprejeti instrument EU za Ukrajino je ključno orodje za izvajanje projektov v Ukrajini.
Pridružite se nam na razpravi o priložnostih slovenskega gospodarstva za sodelovanje pri obnovitvenih projektih v Ukrajini, kot tudi za oblikovanje novih partnerstev z ukrajinskimi partnerji.
Cilj dogodka je pomagati podjetjem razumeti, kakšne so njihove priložnosti pri obnovi in okrevanju Ukrajine. Udeleženci bodo slišali mnenja ukrajinskih, slovenskih in mednarodnih strokovnjakov.
Dogodek bo potekal v angleškem jeziku. Program si lahko ogledate spodaj
Vljudno vabljeni k registraciji tukaj.
9:30 – 10:00
Registration for participants
10:00 – 10:15
Opening speeches
- Matjaž Han, Minister of the Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Slovenia
- Rok Capl, Director at SPIRIT Slovenia Business Development Agency
- E. Mr. Andrii Taran, Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Slovenia
- Anatolii Komirnyi, Deputy Minister of Territories, Communities, and Infrastructure of Ukraine (online)
10:15 – 11:15
Institutional contribution: Building Bridges for Success
- Vitalii Rusanov, Special Envoy of the Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine abroad
- Tomaž Mencin, Coordinator on Recovery of Ukraine in the MFEA of the Republic of Slovenia
- Nataša Goršek Mencin, deputy Head of Representation of the European Commission in Slovenia
- Gašper Jež, Direct Financing Specialist at SID Bank
- Roland Žel, Director General of Defence Policy Directorate, Ministry of Defence RS
11:15 – 12:00
Round table
Doing Businesses in Ukraine: Leading the Path Forward
- Dušan Olaj, Director and Owner at Duol
- Katarina Kumelj, Project Manager at Riko
- Robert Kuzmič, CEO at Kontron
- Anzhela Danelyan, Nazovni Tech (online)
- Helen Teasdale, Deputy Head of Mission at British Embassy Ljubljana
Moderator: Tine Kračun, Director at ISR
Closing the event with lunch and networking @Planica
After the completed program, there will be lunch and networking in Planica. You are cordially invited to join us and support Slovenian athletes together with us. Transportation will be organized for all participants from the Kompas Hotel to Planica, where we will also watch a ski-flying competition.
Rebuilding Ukraine: Opportunities for Slovenian Business
We invite you to join us as at our upcoming event entitled “Rebuilding Ukraine: Opportunities for the Slovenian Economy.” The event will take place on Friday, March 22, 2024 at Hotel Kompas in Kranjska Gora, starting at 10 a.m. and expected to end in the afternoon with lunch and a tour of the ski flights in Planica. We are organizing event together with Spirit Slovenia and Embassy of Ukraine to the Republic of Slovenia.
International community declared its readiness to participate in Ukraine’s future economic recovery and growth. Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery represents an unprecedented opportunity, both for Ukraine and for Europe. Newly adopted EU Ukraine Facility is a crucial tool for implementation of the projects in Ukraine.
Join us for an insightful discussion on the opportunities for the Slovenian business to participate in rebuilding projects in Ukraine, as well as to form new partnerships with Ukrainian partners.
The aim of the event is to help companies understand what their opportunities in Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery are. Attendees will hear the insights from Ukrainian, Slovenian and international experts.
You are kindly invited to register HERE.
9:30 – 10:00
Registration for participants
10:00 – 10:15
Opening speeches
- Matjaž Han, Minister of the Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Slovenia
- Rok Capl, Director at SPIRIT Slovenia Business Development Agency
- E. Mr. Andrii Taran, Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Slovenia
- Anatolii Komirnyi, Deputy Minister of Territories, Communities, and Infrastructure of Ukraine (online)
10:15 – 11:15
Institutional contribution: Building Bridges for Success
- Vitalii Rusanov, Special Envoy of the Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine abroad
- Tomaž Mencin, Coordinator on Recovery of Ukraine in the MFEA of the Republic of Slovenia
- Nataša Goršek Mencin, deputy Head of Representation of the European Commission in Slovenia
- Gašper Jež, Direct Financing Specialist at SID Bank
- Roland Žel, Director General of Defence Policy Directorate, Ministry of Defence RS
11:15 – 12:00
Round table
Doing Businesses in Ukraine: Leading the Path Forward
- Dušan Olaj, Director and Owner at Duol
- Katarina Kumelj, Project Manager at Riko
- Robert Kuzmič, CEO at Kontron
- Anzhela Danelyan, Nazovni Tech (online)
- Helen Teasdale, Deputy Head of Mission at British Embassy Ljubljana
Moderator: Tine Kračun, Director at ISR
Closing the event with lunch and networking @Planica
After the completed program, there will be lunch and networking in Planica. You are cordially invited to join us and support Slovenian athletes together with us. Transportation will be organized for all participants from the Kompas Hotel to Planica, where we will also watch a ski-flying competition.
The Water is Rising: Running a Business while Managing Crises
ISR together with the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in North Macedonia, the Association of Slovenian and Macedonian Businessmen, the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia, and Spirit Slovenija, is organizing a business and economic forum entitled “The water is rising: Running a Business while Managing Crises”, which will take place on Wednesday, February 7, 2023, at 10 a.m. in the Marriott Hotel in Skopje.
One of the topics at the event will include the economic integration of the Western Balkans with the EU. The purpose of the event is to look at the impact the Slovenian companies have in North Macedonia, to find synergies for future cooperation and to draw attention to any existing and anticipated local and global challenges.
You are invited to join us and register HERE.
Makedonsko-slovenski poslovni forum gospodarskega sodelovanja
ISR skupaj z Veleposlaništvom Republike Slovenije v Severni Makedoniji, Združenjem slovenskih in makedonskih poslovnežev, Gospodarsko zbornico Severne Makedonije, v partnerstvu s Spirit Slovenija, organizira poslovno-ekonomski forum z naslovom »Voda narašča: vodenje podjetja ob obvladovanju kriz«, ki bo v sredo, 7. 2. 2023 ob 10. uri v Marriott Hotelu v Skopju.
Pozornost bomo namenili gospodarskemu povezovanju Zahodnega Balkana. Namen dogodka je opozoriti na velik pomen, ki ga imajo slovenska podjetja v Severni Makedoniji, poiskati sinergije za prihodnje sodelovanje in opozoriti na izzive.
Vabljeni, da se nam pridružite in izpolnite prijavni obrazec TUKAJ.
Annual event on the occasion of the new edition of The Adriatic: Strategic Foresight 2024
Ljubljana, 9 January 2024 – The traditional annual event of the Institute for Strategic Solutions was held in the City Museum of Ljubljana on the occasion of the publication of the magazine The Adriatic: Strategic Foresight 2024. The title of the event was Emergency Call: Macrodynamics, Climate and Management Challenges. The focus was on understanding global events dictated by the environmental crisis, the war in Europe, technological progress, and rapid geopolitical dynamics. How do these factors affect the Western Balkans, how does the region respond to rapid developments and where can Slovenia look for opportunities for its strategic interests in this unpredictable environment?
Answers to these questions were offered by the guests of the event, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Tanja Fajon, and with her also the director of the Slovenian Insurance Association, mag. Maja Krumberger, Secretary of the Strategic Council for the Economy at the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport, dr. Jernej Štromajer, president of the board of Salonit Anhovo, dr. Tomaž Vuk, NLB board member Andrej Lasič and Pošta Slovenije board member Ivana Vrviščar.
Letni dogodek ISR ob novi izdaji The Adriatic: Strategic Foresight 2024
Ljubljana, 9. januar 2024 – V Mestnem muzeju Ljubljana je potekal tradicionalni letni dogodek Inštituta za strateške rešitve ob izdaji revije The Adriatic: Strategic Foresight 2024, letos z naslovom Klic v sili: Makrodinamika, podnebje in izzivi upravljanja. V središču je bilo razumevanje globalnega dogajanja, ki ga narekujejo okoljska kriza, vojna v Evropi, tehnološki napredek in hitra geopolitična dinamika. Kako ti dejavniki vplivajo na Zahodni Balkan, kako se regija odziva na hitro dogajanja in kje lahko Slovenija v tem nepredvidljivem okolju išče priložnosti za svoje strateške interese?
Odgovore na ta vprašanja so ponudili gostje dogodka, ministrica za zunanje in evropske zadeve Tanja Fajon, ob njej pa tudi direktorica Slovenskega zavarovalnega združenja mag. Maja Krumberger, sekretar strateškega sveta za gospodarstvo pri Ministrstvu za gospodarstvo, turizem in šport dr. Jernej Štromajer, predsednik uprave družbe Salonit Anhovo dr. Tomaž Vuk, član uprave NLB Andrej Lasič in članica uprave Pošte Slovenije Ivana Vrviščar.
HEALTH 2023 business conference
The Institute for Strategic Solutions (ISR) is once again the proud program partner of the HEALTH 2023 business conference, which is part of media house Delo’s Business Center. The event took place on 13th September 2023 on the Ljubljana premises of the co-organizer, the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia.
The Business Conference Health 2023 provides insight into a modern, credible, and resilient healthcare system that adapts to the demands of today. At the heart of the event, we focused on the needs of patients and efficient management of limited resources. During the course of the business conference, we examined opportunities, best practices, and innovations shaping modern healthcare systems. We presented innovative solutions for sustainable and resilient healthcare systems and establish a platform for discussing complex issues and collectively shaping the future of Slovenian healthcare. We also discussed the judicious use of relevant data (at both primary and secondary levels) and the introduction of value-based healthcare. Our goal was to steer the conversation towards more effective treatment, improved access to high-quality and safe healthcare services, and strengthening the resilience of the healthcare system.
The program of the business conference was structured around two main thematic blocks:
- Financing the Healthcare System
- Upgrading the Healthcare System with Advanced Technologies
We discussed planning and implementation of programs and resource management with selected speakers to ensure high quality and reliability throughout the entire system, healthcare programs, and services. Within the conference, we also focused on the importance of agility in healthcare organizations. The aim is for these organizations to become more responsive, adaptable, and capable of seizing opportunities in a rapidly changing and sometimes unpredictable ecosystem.
Progress in healthcare is not possible without technology and digitization. This section included experiences from foreign healthcare systems within the common European healthcare data space. The first part presented technological solutions for better treatment, increased access to healthcare services, and system resilience. The concluding discussion focused on the optimal healthcare system for Slovenia and learning from other systems and relevant stakeholders.
Poslovna konferenca ZDRAVJE 2023
Inštitut za strateške rešitve (ISR) je tudi letos ponosni programski partner poslovne konference ZDRAVJE 2023, ki je del Delovega poslovnega centra. Medijska hiša Delo je konferenco priredila 13. septembra 2023 v prostorih soorganizatorke, Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije v Ljubljani.
Poslovna konferenca Zdravje 2023 prinaša vpogled v sodoben, verodostojen in odporen zdravstveni sistem, ki se prilagaja zahtevam današnjega časa. V osrčje dogodka postavljamo potrebe pacientov in učinkovito upravljanje z omejenimi viri. Med potekom poslovne konference smo preučili priložnosti, najboljše pristope, prakse ter inovacije, ki oblikujejo sodobne zdravstvene sisteme. Predstavili smo inovativne rešitve za vzdržne in odporne zdravstvene sisteme ter vzpostavili platformo za izmenjavo mnenj o kompleksnih temah in skupno oblikovanje prihodnosti slovenskega zdravstva. Razpravljali smo tudi o smotrni uporabi relevantnih podatkov (na primarni in sekundarni ravni) ter uvedbi vrednostno usmerjenega zdravljenja. Naš cilj je usmeriti pogovor k bolj učinkovitemu zdravljenju, izboljšanemu dostopu do visokokakovostnih in varnih zdravstvenih storitev ter krepitvi odpornosti zdravstvenega sistema.
Program poslovne konference smo zastavili na dveh glavnih tematskih sklopih:
- Financiranje zdravstvenega sistema
- Nadgradnja zdravstvenega sistema z zmogljivimi tehnologijami
Z izbranimi sogovorniki smo razpravljali o načrtovanju in izvajanju programov ter upravljanju sredstev, ki zagotavljajo visoko kakovost in zanesljivost na ravni celotnega sistema, zdravstvenih programov in storitev. V okviru konference smo se osredotočili tudi na pomen agilnosti v zdravstvenih organizacijah. Cilj je, da postanejo te organizacije bolj odzivne, prilagodljive in sposobne izkoristiti priložnosti v hitro spreminjajočem se ekosistemu, ki je lahko tudi nepredvidljiv.
Brez tehnologije in digitalizacije ni napredka v zdravstvu. Sklop je vključeval izkušnje tujih zdravstvenih sistemov v skupnem evropskem zdravstvenem podatkovnem prostoru. Prvi del je predstavil tehnološke rešitve za boljše zdravljenje, večjo dostopnost do zdravstvenih storitev ter odpornost sistema. Zaključni pogovor se je osredotočil na optimalni zdravstveni sistem za Slovenijo in učenje iz drugih sistemov ter ustrezne deležnike.